Every web page uses supportive files like images, CSS, Javascripts and other file types to support the theme and features of the site. Sometimes, often without realizing it, these requests are broken and result in an error. We call this type of error a Bad Request error. You should detect and fix these errors because they are a burden on your page speed.
Next to the additional request it generates, a bad request requires the browser to connect twice to the same missing file while not even making use of the file. First the browser will connect to the missing file to find out it isn’t available. After this the browser will double-check again to find out if the file really isn’t there. This creates 2 additional unnecessary connections (HTTP requests) which can slow your web page down significantly, especially when your web page already uses a lot of HTTP requests to begin with.
Use the Broken Requests Checker to detect any sort of broken request or redirected request on your web pages, from the more usual requests like broken images or links to font files.
** It can take up to 2 minutes to check all requests made on a page, depending on the number and the type of requests.
If you are lucky enough to have access to the Dreamweaver web development tool you can also use Dreamweaver’s automatic site wide links checker by clicking on Site in the top menu and click on Check Links Sitewide in the menu that pops up to check your entire site for broken request.
Just replace all broken requests with the correct links or remove the links/requests altogether.
We can help with that! We have professionally optimized the speed of thousands of websites. Because of this we know how to get the best results quickly while keeping our prices low. Get an instant price quote for our services now.